E Memorial Loop Overhead Image

Alert HVJ Technician Spots Issue with Lime Stabilized Subgrade Averting Pavement Damage

Project Background

East Memorial Loop Roadway and Improvements, Houston, Texas

East Memorial Loop (EML) was newly realigned with approximately 2,300 linear feet of roadway with paved parking areas and other improvements.  HVJ provided QA/QC services to the Uptown Development Authority on this project, including soil and concrete testing.

Practice: Construction Materials Engineering and Testing Services

Sector: Roadway, Park

Location: Houston, Texas

Services: Fill Suitability and Compaction Control, Subgrade Stabilization Testing, Concrete Testing


East Memorial Loop Roadway Improvement in Houston, Texas

The Problem

During the construction process, HVJ was requested to monitor the lime depth check and compaction of the treated subgrade. An HVJ technician noticed when construction vehicles passed over the subgrade, there was pumping and rutting on the subgrade, and the subgrade was not performing well even though test results met required values.

The Goal

  • Solve a quality issue at the site to stop potential further costly problems
  • Provide open, effective communication of project issues

Our Solution

The technician immediately elevated the issue to the HVJ Project Manager. The HVJ Project Manager requested the contractor for a formal proofroll and notified the project team of the problem. HVJ observed the proofroll and informed the team of unsatisfactory performance of the subgrade.

HVJ actively participated in the resolution process, performed additional tests, and provided input to the project design team of our observation of the subgrade performance of the test section. Subgrade cross-section design was changed from lime stabilized subgrade to cement stabilized subgrade to bridge the section to overcome the effect of poor subgrade. HVJ verified the performance of the new subgrade after installation.

HVJ has a rigorous QA/QC process for all our work processes. All our staff members are trained to watch for quality and safety issues on the job site and report these issues to their supervisors immediately.

The Results

The pavement will achieve or exceed its intended design life due to prompt attention to the unsuitable subgrade condition, thus improving rideability and reducing future maintenance costs.

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