HVJ Southeast Texas

HVJ Associates®

Southeast Texas and Headquarters

The Houston office was established in 1985 to provide full-service geotechnical engineering
and construction materials engineering and testing services to Houston, Beaumont, Victoria,
Yoakum, Bryan/College Station, Lufkin, and surrounding areas.

Geotechnical and Construction Materials Engineering Services.

We use our geotechnical engineering expertise to assess specific site soil and groundwater conditions and design earth structures (slopes, channels, and dikes), foundations (retaining walls, bridges, buildings, tanks), and subsurface structures (clarifiers, lift stations, buried utilities, tunnels) to economically achieve the specific project objectives.

We engineer and test materials such as soil, concrete, and asphalt to help make sure you get what you pay for and that your project performs as well as or better than expected. Services include owner verification testing, pavement subgrade stabilization, and shrink-swell mitigation mix designs, and construction observation of drilled shaft, auger-cast-pile, driven pile, shallow spread footing, and mat foundations.

Recent Projects

We focus on public sector infrastructure projects. We deliver superior engineering knowledge and an outstanding work experience.

Capers Ridge Siphon-Project

CWA’s Capers Ridge Pump Station (CRPS) and 96” Diameter Water Transmission Lines, Liberty County, Texas

Liberty County: Increased the City of Houston treated water supply by providing the new solutions to reduce cost and construction and time for the two 96 inch pipelines

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Bayport Terminal

Increasing Capacity for Port Houston: Bayport Wharf 7

As the perfect gateway for import and distribution of finished automotive vehicles, Port Houston saw double-digit growth in containers this past year while the global supply chain continued to experience significant challenges. This triggered immediate need for constructing a new wharf at Bayport Terminal,

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The Boulevard Project

Houston: Innovative Mat foundation and soil preparation design reduced construction time, costs, and traffic congestion

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Main Canal Siphon-Project

Main Canal Siphon at IH-10 Slope Failure Repair, Highlands, Texas

Highlands: HVJ long term solution to a canal erosion failure protects the water supply and survives Hurricane Harvey record flooding.

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The Houston office laboratory is accredited by AASHTO for asphalt, soil and concrete testing, and A2LA for construction materials and geotechnical testing.



Testing technicians are certified are by ACI, NICET, TxAPA, and TxDOT.  The office and staff are pre-certified by TxDOT for the following:

  • 12.1.1 Asphaltic Concrete Production
  • 12.1.2 Portland Cement Concrete
  • 12.1.3 Materials Engineering
  • 12.1.4 Asphaltic Concrete Placement
  • 12.1.5 Portland Cement Concrete Placement
  • 12.1.6 Embankment/Subgrade/Backfill/Base Production
  • 12.1.7 Embankment/Subgrade/Backfill/Base Placement
  • 12.2.1 Concrete Plant Inspection and Testing
  • 12.2.2 Prefabricated Structural Materials Fabrication Plant Inspection
  • 12.2.5 Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA Plant Inspection and Testing
  • 12.4.1 Pavement Design Services
  • 12.5.1 Pavement Evaluation
  • 14.1.1 Soil Exploration
  • 14.2.1 Geotechnical Testing
  • 14.3.1 Transportation Foundation Studies
  • 14.4.1 Building Foundation Studies
  • 14.5.1 Evaluation & Design of Geotechnical Related Structures
  • 22.1.1 Owner Verification Testing and Inspection - Project Manager
  • 22.3.1 Owner Verification - Laboratory Manager
  • 22.4.1 QA/QC Process Verification for OVTI

Meet The Team

Statement about how HVJ team members provide unmatched service, expertise and attention to detail.

Sanjeev Headshot - Website

Sanjeev Sanjeevan

Vice President

Mr. Sanjeevan's responsibilities include develop and execute firm's growth, business development and client development strategies and improve firm's client satisfaction. His career encompasses over 15 years of  geotechnical engineering, construction materials testing and business development experience. 

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Profile_Sharmi Vedantam

Sharmi Vedantam

Houston Branch Manager

Ms. Vedantam is dedicated to hiring and developing efficient staff in Houston office that take care of client needs. She has extensive experience in Geotechnical Engineering.

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Profile_Mike Hasen

Mike Hasen

Principal Engineer/ Technical Leader

Mr. Hasen is the firm's technical leader with over 30 years of geotechnical engineering and owner verification testing testing experience.

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Harry Patel

Harry Patel

CoMET Subject Matter Expert

Mr. Patel is Construction Materials Engineering and Testing subject matter expert with over 30 years of experience.

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HVJ Houston

6120 S Dairy Ashford Rd
Houston, TX 77072



(281) 933-7388
